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Divinely Guided Reading 11-18-18

Key Words: AWAKENING SOUL, UPGRADE, INTEGRATION, MIRROR Message: The Soul is coming online as another wave of humanity transcends linear time (3D) and begins navigating the 4D realms of infinite time and space. We experience this awakening as the veils lifting from our consciousness. No longer having to play a role through our personality selves, we are able to release the false narratives and beliefs that created that persona. The Soul is the core of our essence, and ultimately who we were as children before we were traumatized in some way. To enter the Kingdom of Heaven is to see with the heart of the Divine Child. We rest the childish tantrums of the ego as the Moment unveils fantastical realms of the Soul yet unknown. Within and without, we see with fresh eyes. #divinely #guided #reading #energy #weave #flow #Soul #core #essence #unveiled #divine #child #perspective #kingdomofheaven #3D4D5D #integration #multidimensional #Self #awakening #mirror #divineunion #Spirit #Soul #Christos #avatar #christconsciousness #awakenyourspirit #GnosheryLibertas #GnosticRevolution Images: Work Your Light & Archangel Michael Sword & Shield Oracle 

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