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Energy of the Moment 4/11/18: PRINCE OF SWORDS, THE FOOL

Energy of the Moment: April 11, 2018


We are in a time of erratic changes, shortsightedness and destructiveness. Living in the shadow of the Prince of Swords, our society leans toward aggressive, exploitative, vengeful energies and behavior. We have dimmed our feminine connection- to our bodies, nature, animals, children and all things organic, pure and innocent. Instead, we value our perceived connection to material possessions, codependent relationships and exhausting yet identity-affirming careers.

The shadow of the Prince of Swords is our favorite know-it-all. A bag of hot air that has endless ideas, none of which provides substance. They may sound intriguing, yet they lack the foundation necessary to anchor concretely. The Prince of Swords in his obscured consciousness is paranoid, and recognizes this as a normal condition rather than seeing it for the illness that it is. He creates various geometrical patterns with his mind - just to prove how powerful he is. Yet, what he creates, he must instantly destroy. Such is his nature.

He tears apart the emotional bonds in those around him, and yet - herein reveals his positive purpose. While uncomfortable and alarming, he removes us from the places in which we have hardened and provides us with a vehicle for evolutionary growth. One can no longer stick to fixed beliefs and rigid ideas.

He warns of deceptive situations and impulsive, quick decisions- advising caution in all that seems (on paper), “too-good-to-be-true.” However, if it feels good and relaxes the body, TRUST.

Though the Prince of Swords causes painful wounds that he must then heal, he also offers a breath of fresh air to dusty relationships and encourages our personal independence.

In addition, we are embraced on each side by the energy of the Fool, the Zero Point energy. He is both beginnings and endings, the Alpha and Omega.

When the Fool arrives, we can expect a reset, and an upgrade to the next spiral of Life. The Prince of Swords (Airy part of Air) suggests that we will be surrendering our logical mind in favor of the guidance of the Soul.

The Soul speaks through instinct and intuition, faint impressions and clues within the weave - the tapestry of daily living. With the Fool as our guide, we can expect mystical union and transcendence to be the underlying focus. We are free from prejudice and open to the astonishing wonder of Life.

A new blueprint is created as the karmic vibrations settle. “A mother plant giving seedling a blueprint for how it must bloom.”

We now create for the joy of the process. Without an outcome to attach to our ego, we revel in the ecstasy of the moment. Releasing our logical mind to the flow of Life - trusting in the process of the Divine, we are refreshed and revitalized.

A new spiral begins.

We dream the future through the gift of Now.

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